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On the occasion of the Yahrzeit of Freda Rochel Bas Zerach (Freda Ruth Lambourne), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Shloshim of Chana Rus bas Avraham (June Grainger), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Shiva of Moshe Ben Simcha (Moses Elmaleh, z”l), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Yahrzeit of נפתלי בן יצחק (Herbert Selig), ending 1/17/19, ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Yahrzeit of Yehuda Ben Eliezer Lipa (Yehuda Masher), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Yahrzeit of Avraham ben Elyakum (Arthur Levi), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Yahrzeit of Nosson Meir Ben Yosef Yehoshua (Grandpa), ending 1/17/19
In honor of the Yahrzeit of Leib Dovid ben Eliezer Moshe (Larry Brown), ending 1/17/19
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Latest Dedications
$180 Jeff and Lisa Bernstein
In loving memory of Reuven Chaim ben Yitzchak
$180 Jeff and Lisa Bernstein
In loving memory of Reuven Chaim ben Yitzchak
$180 Jeff and Lisa Bernstein
In loving memory of Reuven Chaim ben Yitzchak
May the learning of the Mishnah be a merit for the departed souls.
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The letters of Mishnah are the same as those in Neshamah, the soul. Learning of Mishnayos as a merit for the departed is a long-standing tradition.